Lady Wave
Lady Wave is for everyone out there making waves for women's rights and equality. We welcome all races, religions, sexual orientation, and gender. We believe the only way to create real change is through conversation and action. And it's ok to have some laughs along the way!
Lady Wave
Do you support women?
Lady Wave
Season 1
Episode 3
Are you a woman that supports other women? In this episode, we tap into this tricky subject by discussing how women treat each other on the daily in their friendships and at work. We also shell out some tips for being an active supporter of women in the workforce. Plus, we stumble into a little debate about what Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Hillary Clinton might have in common and expose some women who are helping Harvey Weinstein...it's true there are some! We also have an update on #freethenipple that makes us want to free our nipples! And lastly, would you walk away from a job if you found out your male counterpart was being paid more? Check out our Fave Wave who was brave enough to do just that! #ladywave