Lady Wave
Lady Wave
Super Tuesday may have bummed us out, but it's Women's History Month and we are celebrating by discussing some of our favorite bits of Herstory. First, we get everything off our chest regarding the results of Super Tuesday and the disappointment we felt when our favorite female candidates dropped out of the presidential primary. Sometimes you just have to let it out! Then, Teresa dives in with some surprise factoids about a "shitty" situation regarding the women's restrooms in the Congress and Senate. Spoiler alert, it's a WTF situation! Next, we launch into some stories about our favorite women in history. From a long gone but never forgotten aviation pioneer to the first women elected as a New York Senator, these ladies knows how to roll with the punches and ignore all the hate. Finally, we round out this episode with our Fave Wave that is helping to solidify the often ignored profound place in history that women hold. If you can see it, you can be it! #ladywave